About Me intro

(the tree fort I built when my kids were young,
freshly remodeled. the red star is just a red star...)
Who am I that you should listen to me?
I like to show others what I am working on.
Pastors should feel that way about their churches.
I will give you honest feedback about church websites from my perspective,
Two main questions I pose:
I was in my late-30s when the internet was publicly introduced,
I will give you honest feedback about church websites from my perspective,
and tell you what I can see about a church, with what I see from its website.
The root reason for this website is:
It's obvious that many church leaders hate websites and email,
because I can plainly see that these tools are shunned by many.
Two main questions I pose:
1) What is Jesus' plan for today's Church concerning church websites and email?
2) Does this plan apply to every church, no matter its size, location or audience?
(as long as their neighbors have internet available)
My background:
Midwestern white male, raised in a 2-parent family.
Midwestern white male, raised in a 2-parent family.
Tradesman, mostly carpentry.
Sent to Sunday school, ages 5-14 years old.
Lived as a self-centered hedonist, ages 15-29.
Put 2 fingers through a table saw, 1980, which began to calibrate my outlook on life.
(Begin watching TV evangelists - this was before internet)
Born-again, 1984 in a small storefront church in Council Bluffs, IA.
30 hours Bible college courses.
Several years in various ministries around the church,
including 11 years on-staff in a large church maintenance department.
I was in my late-30s when the internet was publicly introduced,
and was not one of its first subscribers, nor was I even vaguely interested in it.
Yet today, I manage a few websites of my own making.
(They are listed at 'My Websites' on this site.)
If you're interested, browse this website,
consider my perspectives to see if there is anything here to help your flock win souls.