
As I moved through the directory of church listings, 
I noticed something as I worked my way through New York Churches.

Let me tell you...
In attempting to send an email to every church in this denomination,
I got bogged down in New York. 
New York was especially difficult. 
I'm sure there are many evil principalities operating in New York, and I believe I saw their effect.

While in most states, I could remember both the church name and the city name
when typing them in to my search bar.
Not in New York.
Virtually every time, I had to enter the church name,
then go back to the National listing to retrieve the city name.
I kept forgetting the names. It was very frustrating and very slow.

This is why I think Satan has an assignment over church email,
which is all the more reason to use and value church email.

I have an assignment for you

I asked earlier how CS Lewis might handle email in 'The Screwtape Letters.'
I challenge a few of you who keep a tidy website with accessible email -
to write a chapter, imagine yourself adding to this book, to include a chapter on email.

If I get replies, I will publish interesting replies here, each for 2 weeks to 1 month. 
I want this to be a regular part of this website.
Let's see what happens...