Church Kitchens

J.A. Wtewael 'kitchen scene'

Truth: A lot of people are more interested in coffee at church than prayer sessions.
What would Jesus say about that, if he wrote Revelation today?

As I attempted to contact churches via the internet (2023, 2024) many church websites had special prayer pages on their website, which I am grateful for. I had hoped to join a few prayer chains along the way. I joined the 5 or 6 prayer chains available, but only one church (in Arizona) actually sends me prayer requests on a monthly basis.

How often is a website prayer page the first contact a person will have with a church?

If I were a pastoral candidate, and came to speak to a prospective church, I would inform the congregation that the kitchen and coffee bar should be less popular and less-populated that the prayer altar, and if selected as pastor, I would direct them accordingly, saying that the kitchen volunteers should prove themselves to be fervent prayer advocates.

Mark 9:
28 And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “
     Why could not we cast him out?”
29 And He said unto them, “This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting.”