

Just Kidding!

You can't donate to this website or to me.
I just wanted to GIVE feedback about the 'GIVE' button on church websites.

In attempting to send prayer requests to churches about my project,
I actually encountered one website that contained only the following:

1) The name of the church
2) A photo of the church
2) A photo of the pastoral couple
4) The 'GIVE' button.

That was it. 
That was all. 
That was everything.

AND.....I ran into several, many websites where the only computer-contact possible 
with that church - was through the 'GIVE' button.
No e-mail contact was offered; impossible, apparently by design and forethought.

Suggestion #1: The 'GIVE' button should be on the upper far right and without special highlighting,
so it doesn't appear to be the most important topic on the header.

Suggestion #2: A church that doesn't offer email contact on their website, 
shouldn't have a 'GIVE' button. That is sooooo one-sided.

Thank you for reading this.