Painting: Le Brun, 1781
The full title of this website is: Church Website Audit .com
Here is the backstory:
I created a website, iDontWantGod.com
for the prodigals we all know and love -
those that grew up in church but left for various reasons.
The website, iDontWantGod.com
has articles that define difficulties people have with God - or church - or religious family members.
Though imperfect and never completely done, I launched the site,
and decided I need prayer support from individual churches,
that the site would be useful.
I also have a website FatherlessMale.com for men that grew up without their biodad.
This project needs prayer too.
In attempting to reach 15,000+ churches in 4 most pro-life conservative denominations in America, via the internet,
I've gained a perspective of how each church uses the internet - or doesn't.
And I've learned what church leaders think of the internet and email.
Several churches have been eager to offer their prayer support for my website,
but many churches simply cannot be reached via the internet or email.
It is apparent that many church leaders do not value the internet,
and many leaders who have websites - despise email.
So, in this website, cwebaudit.com I want to show church leaders
how the public might view their churches - via their web-presence, or lack thereof.
(You can see this little girl in ways that she can't see herself, eh?)
I also wrote a few articles, from one layman's point of view about in-house matters
that pastors and deacons might find useful.
AND... I came across something I call 'anti-evangelism', in the hearts of some Christians,
that fights against church growth. This article in in the 'In-House Stuff' Section.
More below
Eric J. Rose
The Postcard
Some of you are at this website because you received the postcard on the right.
The right-hand postcard is sent only to churches,
while the left-hand postcard is used in neighborhood mailings.
The right-hand postcard announces this website - specifically for church leaders
This printing method is efficient for me.

In doing a widespread mailing like this to denominational leaders across our nation,
we know that we will be mailing to places and people in the midst of environmental adversities, from floods to fires. Please know that my wife and I pray for you regularly
and support a national ministry that works to relieve your suffering. God Speed.
how this website is built...
Each web page is built like a short passenger train; one bit follows another bit.
Please scroll down through the entire page until you reach the end of the track.

Every profession establishes a set of 'Best Practices' for its leaders to follow.
This website then, is a suggestion that every denomination, needs an established set
This website then, is a suggestion that every denomination, needs an established set
of 'best practices' for churches to follow - concerning email and internet contact.
And as we go along through the website, I will suggest best practices for email
and internet use as it applies to the local church.
more below:
And as we go along through the website, I will suggest best practices for email
and internet use as it applies to the local church.
more below:
Before we step fully into this website, given the amount of built-in adversity these churches face,
from Mormonism and from liberal doctrine... conservative Evangelical churches in Utah and Vermont were the most accessible via the internet and by email, according to my experience.
Kudos to them.