Scripture Olympics

photo: 1928 olympics,
Greatest Moments: Summer Olympic Games | U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum (
When scriptures compete with each other...
Actually, scriptures don't compete with each other.
There are two times that scriptures seem to go head-to-head against each other.
1) When we try to live by both the Old Testament and the New Testament at the same time.
Christ has fulfilled the requirements of the Old Testament, so we are free to live in the
New Testament. Those in Christ need not fear the Old Testament.
2) Scriptures seem to collide when we have an incomplete understanding
of all the scripture that pertains to a certain subject.
This may be from being taught a narrow focus on one or two scriptures on a topic,
Which leaves us listeners with an anemic, incomplete understanding of the will of God.
The best remedy for item #2: Do a New Testament write-through, noting each scripture that applies to the topic, then arranging them in a reverse order, from the Revelation 22 to Matthew 1.
Then read them in that order and propose a summary of that topic.
I did this on the topic of forgiveness, and my efforts are at: