The Prayer Ministry

What should a church's prayer ministry look like?

That depends, depending on the church and the people that staff the church.
(and understand that I don't consider myself a prayer warrior. I believe I am 'prayer -compliant' but not a prayer warrior.)
And I don't mean the paid staff. I consider every regular attendee a part of the staff, if they conduct themselves properly.

Below are some of the possibilities:

Prayer Meetings

How should a prayer meeting be conducted?
There is one kind of prayer meeting I've attended that I really don't care for.

It begins with a full-tilt praise and worship segment, then a 3/4 sermon.
Often an offering was taken,
then a list of what to pray for,
with each prayer led by someone, following the itinerary.
It was awkward to leave before the 'program' was complete.

I did not care for this at all.

How would I conduct a prayer meeting?

My suggestion:

1) Beginning and Ending time preset.
2) Come when you can, leave when you must.
3) 2 songs by a church cell group worship leader. Not the worship team.
4) Brief printed guidelines for that meeting 
     and brief exhortations for the direction of that prayer session.
5) Prayer begins.

Other parameters:

a) With a list for suggested prayers, prayer would be self-directed,
     rather like a herd of cats.
b) One side of the prayer room would be for people who want to be left alone when they pray.
      Some people want to pray around other people, but not actually pray with people.
      We need to respect that. They still add to the prayer meeting.
       If they choose to cross over, fine.
c) Those on the other side of the room can intermingle with the others, 
      hearing prayer requests and joining in on the prayers.
d) Along with the prepared prayer list, people can go around, request your copy,
      then pen-in their abbreviated prayer requests.
d) If any spontaneous prayer request turns into a litany of complaints about another person, 
     one is free to depart that clutch of people and join someone else.
e) One is allowed to give an unnamed prayer request and expect no flak 
     from a disappointed gossip-monger. 
     I remember, as a teen, reading a weird dictionary in a Mad Magazine, with this entry:
      "Sympathy: What one woman gives another woman in exchange for the details."'

      There's no need for that.

What do you think of my prayer itinerary?